With the debut of new character Rattlesnake I wanted to show that he was just as twisted or even more so then his "idol" Dr. Mindbender. I've always wanted to bring this character into the story from the beginning. Unfortunately I liked his original artwork but didn't have the parts to make it into a toy. I tried toying (pun intended) with the idea of redesigning him and actually created a toy prototype. I still liked the original design, and when his debut finally came upon me I had to make a choice, so I went with his original design with just a bit of a colour change.
My original concept for Canada's Elite (Alpha and Cobra Elite) had current Joe and Cobra members as part of the team. When Devils Due debut G.I.Joe A Real American Hero I set my creation aside, later revisiting it with America's Elite. I've always liked the character Golobulus and wanted to bring him into the Joe myths. I kept my original idea with Canada's Elite, having him created by Rattlesnake using previous cloning and gene splicing technology by Dr. Mindbender. Yeah I mixed a little of the comics and toy/cgi cartoon.
I thought extensively over bringing such a character into my fan fiction, another reason why I waited so long. After having Major Fear and his Serpent Squad captured and the Canadian Joe team locating their base I needed a threat for them to face. The future of Golobulus is uncertain, as with such a powerful foe, I want to evolve the character more but also don't want him to take over the Serpent Squad, so no Cobra La.

So, that’s a little briefing on the latest chapter and answers the question as to why I introduced Golobulus into the story.