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Declassifying the History of Canada's Elite.

A little about Canada's Elite, history and what the future may hold.

Declassifying the History of Canada's Elite.

Postby Lt Storm » 24 Mar 2008 10:57

It all started nine years ago when I created my very own set of G.I.Joe's. To be honest it started even longer ago then that. When I was 13 my friends and I created our own G.I.Joe's, mine of which evolved into my main character and user name, Lt. Storm. (the original "Maniac" that has yet to make his debut.)

Canada's Elite started out as G.I.Joe Alpha, which many of its members have already made an appearance in my fanfiction. Originally, they were a global team, consisting of members from around the world. Canada's Elite came into being after the debut of Devil's Due retooled G.I.Joe America's Elite comic. The characters went through and extensive redesign and many of them except a few went through more changes. A retooling of an old idea of my own, since I am Canadian. :lol:

Next year and the following will mark the 10th anniversary for a few of these characters which is exciting for me. Never did I imagine that this little pet project of mine, would evolve into doing a regular fanfiction series that I post on Joe Battlelines. It started about a year ago when I decided to put the stories in my head into word and share with others. I wrote a few G.I.Joe fanfictions prior that were posted on the now gone Devil's Due forums. (which will all be posted here.)

So there you have it, a short brief history. :D
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Lt Storm
Commander In Chief
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Joined: 24 Mar 2008 08:15
Location: Ontario, Canada

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