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Canada's Elite Fanfiction


Canada's Elite Fanfiction

Postby Lt Storm » 24 Mar 2008 12:04

I'll be posting each "issue" over then next few weeks. This is to archive each individual story in their seperate parts as opposed to my continuing thread on Joe Battlelines. Each "issue" will be posted here once it has completed on JBL.

Follow this link http://joebattlelines.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=59 for all new chapters ONLY on Joe Battlelines.
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Lt Storm
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Re: Canada's Elite Fanfiction

Postby Lt Storm » 17 Feb 2020 15:04

With the forums down on JBL I've been very neglectful to continue posting my stories. The last time I uploaded an entire chapter was a few days short of a year ago. Normally these "Issues" consist of 4-5 chapters. When completed I would post the entire chapter here. Since then I hoped the JBL forums would come back, this hasn't been the case and I've sort of lost interest in G.I.Joe.

:183: :shock: :oops:

As well, with Photobucket forcing you into a subscription I had to look elsewhere to host images for free. With the downfall of TinyPic (owned by Photobucket apparently) I've had to go back to using Photobucket which of course now watermarks all images. I do plan to possibly subscribe but that might not be for a long time, as I have other debts to clear up before having another subscription to something.

I am going to try to keep posting the rest of my Canada's Elite stories as they have been finished for a long time now. I also have "new" customs and enemies that I will eventually post in the coming future.

If you still come here or somehow find yourself here I am very grateful. Thanks. :D
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Lt Storm
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