G.I.Joe: Canada’s Elite – Eco Warriors
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canadian Environmental Awareness Fair, and a perfect day for such an event, the sun is shining with clear blue skies, not a cloud in sight. A light breeze from the west makes it comfortable to be out. The outdoor event is loaded with dealers peddling their “environmentally friendly” products, seminars on how to conserve energy and reduce waste. An event put on by local growers, farmers, nursery’s and recycling centers. Everyone is trying to get on the band wagon of the environmentally conscious consumer. On display is a Titan Arum, the largest flower in the world, also nicknamed the Corpse Flower due to the rotting flesh smell it produces when it blooms. This day though it is only on display and it is not expected for this rare flower to bloom. When the bell shaped flower opens it reveals its reddish inner pedals quite a sight to behold when it happens.
Many people have their picture taken next to the enormous 3 meter tall stem, the center piece of the event. Happy children and parent’s, loved ones enjoying the day in the sun and fresh air. The chair person of the event gathers everyone’s attention to circle around the Titan Arum, to thank everyone for coming and handing out tips on how they can save on hydro and gas emissions. The flower begins to hum, an unusual thing for a living plant. The woman turns to look at the large flower as it swells thinking they are in for a treat to see it bloom, warning everyone of the intense smell it does let off.
The flower erupts with a strange green gas quickly spreading from it, its stem withers breaking off and falling on the woman standing before it. She fights to get out from under it as the gas overcomes her. The pedals droop a darkened colour inside, not its usual reddish hue. People begin to gag on the gas clawing at their throats as their breathing becomes restricted. They being to panic running in all directions trying to escape the airborne threat as it spreads to others. Plants close by being to wilt, fruit shrivels and insects drop to the ground. Those closets try to scream to no avail as their eyes water then begin to hemorrhage, their skin breaks out into painful like blisters, some even begin to bleed from them.
People on the outer limits witness this horrific event and being to scream and run, the gas quickly taking them over restricting their breathing. They gag coughing up blood, others begin to hemorrhage from their eyes. Some reach their vehicles trying to get in, their families panicking. Small children try to scream not understanding what is happening looking to their parents for comfort. Loved ones cling to each other and pray as they collapse. Within minutes the hundreds of people attending the day lay motionless on the ground, the gas dissipates and the sun still shines in the clear blue sky. The Titan flower now a dead mess of what it once was.
Chapter 6
CFB Downsview, Toronto Ontario, a former Canadian Forces Base. Once The Downsview Airport developed in 1939 as an airfield for an aircraft manufacturing plant. In 1947 the DND (department of national defence) purchased the property surrounding the airfield and expanded it then closed it in 1994. Since 1998, the property has been used by civilian businesses focusing on aircraft, an Aerospace Museum and a few shops, along with a sports complex and wildlife centre.
In '98 the Canada Lands Company Incorporated a subsidiary name Parc Downsview Park Inc. to assume the responsibility of managing the development of the former military base. Despite the base having been closed for the past fourteen years, a small military presence remains. The DND still holds several buildings in the Parc Downsview for the units.
Among these units is one that is a new resident, albeit unwilling, the G.I.Joe Canada's Elite force. Following the capture of Major Fear and his Serpent Squad, and the fall of the Cobra Organization by the original American G.I.Joe team, the Canadian team was "mothballed" into a small corner of the base and given two homes which to live in. The future of the Canada's Elite program uncertain after Lt. Storm destroyed the base which the Serpent Squad had discovered and attacked in an attempt to take it over. A base that was a top secret American G.I.Joe installation, ready to be used at a moments notice and housed some new top secret weaponry.
The only thing that survived the destruction was a couple of Dragonhawk aircrafts they used to make their escape. The UN frowned on this and held Lt. Storm responsible, not wanting to let their team leader to face the repercussions alone the rest of the team stood behind him to share in whatever is coming to them. Former Chief-In-Command of the American G.I.Joe team and now advisor, General "Hawk" Abernathy has been working with Rebecca Ramon, the Canada’s Elite team liaison. Together they are trying to find a way out for them and clear the team of the charges they are up on.
Tensions have begun to run high among the team members, and Lt. Storm has isolated himself from the others, with secret phone conversations and a mysterious person delivering him packages late into the night. Reaching the breaking point the team is about to shake off the dust and get back into action.
48 Hours after the attack in Vancouver BC, the Canada's Elite temporary briefing room. Ms. Ramon stands before a screen that is hooked up to her laptop as the team all gathers in the room. A disconcerting look on her face, not making any direct eye contact with any of them. "Let's get this started." She clicks a few keys displaying images on the larger screen. "Two days ago there was an Eco Terrorist attack in Vancouver British Columbia during an environmental fair. The upcoming images are extremely graphic and disturbing."
"Wait a sec, just because there was an attack it's automatically considered done by terrorists?"
"I'm just stating what has been told to me." Rebecca continues on with the images of the victims.
Afterburner winches grabbing onto Fallout's arm. "Oh my god."
"What was it?" G.I. asks.
"We're not sure, tests are still being run to find out what the agent was, all I do know is that it was quick acting and dispersed quickly leaving no trace expect the victims. It killed every living thing, including the plants, even the insects.
"How many dead?" Storm asks.
"That's not…"
"How many dead?" He asks again, his voice stern.
"Two hundred and thirty six." We have no lead on who did this and we need to find out whom and you are to figure that out."
"No, we're not expendable."
"Sir, I understand your frustration, but please trust me, General Abernathy and I are working on it."
"Fine, we'll play along for now but first I want a meeting with your boss before we do anything."
"I'm afraid…"
"They do or you don't get our help. For now we'll take all the information you have." Storm rises from his seat and charges out of the room.
The team all look at each other as Ms. Ramon hurries after him. "Sir, wait."
"You have my terms."
Rebecca quickens her pace grabbing Storm by the arm. "Dammit would you just stop and listen to me. I know you are mad, I know you are frustrated, believe me so am I. What Hawk and I are doing could get me fired."
"I know, I'm sorry."
"I'll do what I can to get you a meeting with my boss, but I can't promise anything, not even I have met him face to face. But right now we need your teams help on this, a lot of people died for no reason. Please think of that instead of your emotions right now. I know how you are and I know your drive to protect your country."
Lt. Storm sighs looking over his shoulder at Rebecca. "We will but I don't want your bosses to know. I want to start pushing buttons here, and these walls have ears."
"What are you talking about?"
"We get mothballed to a closed military base that still has a military presence on it. I doubt that is coincidence."
Rebecca doesn't say a word, she knows he's right. "I have to get going I'll call you later."
"Thanks." Lt. Storm watches as Rebecca hurries off then leans against the wall taking in a deep breath. "The two of you can come out now."
Target and Hotwire step out from around the corner.
"How'd you know we were there?"
"I could hear your breathing Target and smell the hint of grease from Hotwire."
"What, I was working on some vehicles in the motor pool." She shrugs.
"So what's the four-one-one?" Target asks.
"Tell everyone I want to meet back in the briefing room in an hour, tell Feedback to initiate lone eagle."
"The what?"
"He knows, just deliver the message, and don’t question me right now."
"You have something in your back pocket don't you?" Hotwire says.
"Figuratively speaking." Target adds. "Come on Sir, we all know you well enough to know you don't push buttons unless you have something to back it up with."
"That's classified information. Hotwire, with me I have something important I need you to do."
Hotwire quickly follows behind Storm as Target heads off to deliver the message to Feedback.
Ms. Ramon climbs into her car dropping her brief case on the passenger seat as her cell phone begins to ring. "Hello?"
"How did it go?" An elderly sounding man asks.
"Not good, Lieutenant Storm wants to meet with you."
"He was quite adamant about it."
"My answer is still no."
"Then he refuses to assist in the BC matter."
There is a moment of silence on the other end. "Fine, I will contact you later with when and where." The man grunts ending the call.
"Okay…this should be interesting, I hope you know what you are doing Storm."
Lt. Storm opens the door to his small office letting Hotwire in.
"So what's this all about?"
"Please sit down."
"Did I do something wrong? I swear I was only kidding about asking Afterburner where she keeps her blow dryer."
Storm looks at her a bit confused by her comment. "No, I need you to deliver a message for me off base."
"Too many eyes and ears." Storm passes Hotwire a file with the G.I.Joe logo stamped across it and a name.
"How do you pronounce that?"
"There are instructions in the folder, follow them and deliver the message at the exact time and place then return here."
"You can count on me Sir."
"I know, that's why I asked you." He smiles at Hotwire and dismisses her, then turns in his chair to look out the window. Across the lot he can see Afterburner and Fallout walking hand in hand.
"That was so sick." Afterburner comments.
"What, I didn't do anything?" Fallout responds.
"The images Rebecca showed us, it was disturbing. What kind of sick wacko does that?"
"The kind we fight."
Afterburner looks up into the sky, brilliant shades of read and orange colour the clouds. "The sky is beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as you Julie."
Afterburner blushes and hugs Fallout's arm. "You are so sweet."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are my macho man."
Fallout laughs swinging Afterburner around in front of him and embraces her, kissing her on the lips.
The blinds in Storm's window shut and the light goes out.
National Defence Headquarters, Ottawa Ontario. An elderly man sits in his dark office with the phone to his ear. "Our impetuous young Lieutenant Storm wants to meet with me…yes that is just what I said but apparently he is insistent." He listens to the person on the other end. "Yes I am using the secure line I'm not an idiot. I've been doing this while you were still swimming around in your father's nuts." He holds the phone away from himself looking at it with disgust. "Don't get too big for your britches, I know the risks of meeting with Lt. Storm that is why you are going in my place. We need to send someone who knows enough that can't be traced back to me. That means you, time to get your feet wet and become a man."
The man leans back in his chair. "Don't be and idiot, no you won't need protection or a gun, Storm won't harm you. He's not that stupid. Just pack your things I'll have a private jet waiting for you." He hangs up the phone and groans. "Moron."
Toronto, Canada's Elite briefing room.
"I'm not going to waste anytime here, despite what I said to Ms Ramon we are going ahead with our own investigation. Target, Navy, Chamber and Feedback, you four are going to Victoria to do our own investigation, see if there is anything the experts missed. You will be rendezvousing with an Agent from our American counterparts. He will be assisting you. Feedback will be taking point on this mission since he specializes in bio chem. I have a chopper ready to take you to your drop point, there will be a Hummer waiting for you once you are there." Storm picks up a file and hands it to Feedback. "In there you'll find all the information we have and your meeting place. Memorize it and destroy it."
Feedback nods as he and his three teammates gather together.
"Afterburner go get the copter you rounded up ready, Fallout you'll be pilot on this. Just take them to the drop point and wait for them to return. Snow Squall, I want you to man the com, Feedback will brief you on everything you need to know. The rest of you combat training outside, we're going to be playing a little military tag. Get dressed in your exercise clothes. Dismissed."
"Sir, can I speak with you?" Snow Squall asks.
"Of course, walk with me." The two head out into the hall. "What's on your mind?"
"I was hoping I could go on the mission with the others. It's not in my file but I'm a bit of an environmental buff."
"I know but I rather have you here."
"Can I ask why?"
"I'm playing this one close to the chest, I send you, and you’ll want to be gathering all kinds of samples, even ones that may not pertain to the eco attack. I want them in and out as quickly as possible. Don't take it personally it's not."
Snow Squall nods.
"Now go suit up."
Moments later aboard a CH-149 Cormorant, a primarily SAR (search and rescue) helicopter, today it carries Feedback and his team cross country. Able to travel over 1000 km without refueling and with its strong lightweight body it can reach speeds of 300 km/h. Fallout pilots the helicopter to White Rock in BC near the Washington boarder where they will meet up with the American G.I.Joe Agent and wait for their return while he gets refueled. The Sponson Floater airbags on the copter, usually used for emergency water landings, have been replaced temporarily with extra fuel tanks to make the 1600 plus kilometer trip.
"Why we flying in a SAR chopper, are we going to have to repel out of it?" Target asks.
"Repel?" Chamber laughs. "We're not mountain climbing."
"You know what I mean."
"It was the fastest aircraft on base that Afterburner could get. It was there for a paintjob." Feedback answers. "Now sit back and enjoy the ride."
The remaining Joe’s stand out in the yard dressed in light grey shirts and dark grey shorts both with the Canada’s Elite logo on them. G.I. the only one not wearing his shirt address the four, Afterburner, Snow Squall, Medic, and Lt. Storm. “Alright, our commander has explained to me the rules of this little game. Military tag, just like regular tag one of us is it, which will be me since I’m skins to start, the rest of you are my targets but unlike regular tag you can tag me. In this tag game it will be capturing your pursuer. If I find you first and tag or capture you you’re dead and out of the game. Whoever catches me will be the next pursuer, so we can’t trust each other, it’s survival of the fittest. The only way you’ll know if the person you are after is the, it, person will be like me.” G.I. raises his arms pointing at his bare upper body.
“Oh wait a minute…” Medic says. “We ladies are not going topless.”
“You’re wearing your sports bras aren’t you?” Storm says.
Both ladies nod.
“Then problem solved, I wouldn’t expect you to actually go completely topless.” Storm moans.
Medic blushes. “Right, of course, sorry.”
“Then we all understand the rules?”
“Yes.” The four all respond.
“Good, then let’s get started, we have the cover of night but also the base security lights to worry about. Make your moves carefully.” G.I. pulls out a blind fold from his back pocket. “Let the game begin.” He says as he places it over his eyes.
Snow Squall secures a small mic device in his ear that is hooked directly into their com system. “What about me? I’m manning the com.”
“You have a handicap and will need to be more creative.” Storm says as he runs off.
“Less chatter more running.” G.I. grunts.
Just outside of White Rock, British Columbia. “We’re coming up on your drop point.” Fallout shouts to the rest in the back.
Feedback grabs onto the strap supports pulling him up. “Alright, there’s a hummer waiting for us when we land, also as you know we’ll be meeting up with a US G.I.Joe Agent.”
“Initiating landing procedures.” Fallout relays.
Feedback climbs into the cockpit taking the copilot seat. “How do you know where to land?”
Fallout taps one of his screens that are blipping heat signatures. As the chopper gets closer to the ground they can see a set of headlights approaching. “That should be the Agent right on time.”
“I hope or someone is going to have questions.”
Suddenly the landing area lights up in a ring of battery powered spot lights, the hummer off to one side and a fueling tanking off to another.
“Yep, it’s him.” Fallout says. “He had the remote to activate the lights.”
“Wicked cool.” Target says peering out the window.
The team disembarks from the helicopter a VAMP jeep pulls up next to the black Hummer. Out gets a man dressed in a yellow and green suit, carrying his gear. "Hello, I'm Agent Kurt Schnurr code name Airtight."
"Nice to meet you Airtight, I'm Feedback, the young man with the laser weapons is Target, and the lovely lady is Navy and lastly Chamber."
Airtight salutes the others then turns back to Feedback. "I hear you dabble in Biological Chemical Defence. I specialize in Chemical Biological and Radiological Warfare, we should be a good team."
"Excuse me but what do radio's have to do with chemicals?" Target asks.
Airtight laughs at the question. "They don't, it’s a form of chemical warfare, radiological warfare is considered to be a weapon of mass destruction, and I specialize in it so I can recognize it when used."
"Do you think that's what was used at the Environmental Fair?"
"No, it is difficult to purge from the area so I highly doubt it from the information I received. Let us get under way, we can continue the Q&A from there."
"I agree, Chamber you'll be driving." Feedback says.
Airtight smiles at Target walking up to him. "Do you have anymore questions?"
"Uh, just one, if this is a night ops job why are you dressed like a giant banana?"
Feedback moans as the others laugh. "Target, that will be enough questions from you."
"It is quite alright, I enjoy humor, and it lightens the mood in our line of work. Now if this inquisitive young man would assist me, I have some suits for you all, don't worry, they aren't yellow." He smirks.
Meanwhile back at the base the military tag game continues, the prey having been able to avoid their pursuer for quite some time while unknown to them, he is herding them together to take his pick.
Afterburner takes deep shallow breaths slinking along one of the homes on the base. She looks into the windows of the home, dark inside, but that's not what she is interested in, she's interested in the reflections it may give.
"Nice tactic, but you lose." G.I. whispers into her ear, immediately being grabbed and flipped over onto his back. "You don't have to be a sore loser."
"You startled me, I didn't hear you come up. You know you should never sneak up on a woman."
"It's my job, if I didn't I wouldn't be doing it right, nice take down but that's not going to save you, I caught you first."
"And I took down my capturer so that puts an interesting twist on the game."
"Good point, I'll give it to you. Now take off the shirt, you're the new pursuer."
Afterburner grins as she pulls off her shirt. "Then you get to take my place." She says handing him her shirt. "Hope it fits."
G.I. takes the undersized shirt and pulls it on, it fits tight against his body and cuts just above his waist.
"Nice belly, you could be a dancer."
"I'll give you a little tip, find and capture our commander and the game is over. You take down the whole team."
"Then why didn't you go look for him?"
"He's actually quite good at hide and go seek, he's played games like this since he was a kid and he's remarkably sneaky, not as sneaky as me but he's good. It will be more fun to watch one of you try to find him."
"So you chose me?"
"Yes, because you showed resourcefulness, the others were just trying to hide in the darkest corners possible."
"You already found them?"
"Yes, I didn't take them out since that would make it easier for Storm to get the jump on me. Play it smart."
Afterburner peeks around the corner of the house.
"Oh and another thing, don't think I'll make it easy for you." G.I. says as he runs off.
Vancouver British Columbia, site of the mysterious gas attack. Airtight and Feedback walk the site while the others wait from behind the police line. Next to them lay two RCMP officers peacefully sleeping.
“You don’t think we’ll get in trouble for this do you?” Navy says nodding towards the officers.
“Nah, they didn’t even see us coming, Target’s one hell of a shot even with a tranquilizer gun.” Chamber answers.
“Thanks.” The young man grins.
“Okay, the place is clean unfortunately, if there is anything left it will be in the remains…” Airtight explains.
“Don’t worry Navy, I don’t mean bodies, I meant that as in the stands and permanent shrubbery.” Airtight laughs. “You’ll want to put your masks on though, it’s quite the smell.”
“Yeah we got that whiff.” Target groans holding his nose.
“And you’ll be keeping watch.” Feedback retorts. “Navy I want you to assist Airtight in gathering samples, Chamber you are with me.”
The four split up to cover the area as quickly as possible. Navy uses her shovel to move around the rotted stem from the Titan Arum digging deeper in for a better sample.
“I’m surprised that this is still here.” She comments.
“Ah, the Titan Arum a disgusting flower. I doubt they had the equipment to take it complete, which we do not as well or I would take it.”
“It’s heavy for a dead flower.” Navy lets out a scream that causes Feedback and Chamber to come running.
“What’s going on? Do you need me?” Target shouts over the com.
“Hold your position.” Airtight responds. “Dear god.”
Navy grabs hold of Chamber.
“Take her out of here.” Airtight orders.
“Go, don’t look.”
“Do as he says.” Feedback says. “Someone missed this.”
“Yes, and as to why I’d like to know.”
“Obviously they only dealt with the obvious, we really don’t have things like this happening here, it couldn’t have been easy to clean up the mess, and if this is any indication I’m not surprised.”
“Poor woman.” Airtight kneels down to get a closer look.
“Don’t tell me you want to take the body?”
“I would, but we didn’t come prepared for something like this either. Let’s get some tissue samples and be on our way, I think we have enough now. My dear I mean no disrespect.” Airtight says as he picks up one of her rotted off fingers.
“We’ll find who did this, rest in peace.” Feedback lowers his head for a moment of peace then follows Airtight back to the Hummer.
Afterburner skulks along the by the museum, taking a moment to peek in the windows, even though she's taken the tour several times. It's different in the dark when all is quite and not a soul around. She spots a quick movement from behind her not acknowledging it in any way as she slips around the corner. Taking deep shallow breaths she listens, hearing footstep getting closer, then with one quick movement she takes down her pursuer pinning him to the ground.
"I give."
"You're dead Snow Squall."
"Good, I've been waiting for someone to take me out of the game, I tried to make it real easy for G.I. but he didn't even notice me."
"He did, he just decided not to."
"Well, if anyone needs me I'll be manning the com waiting for our team to report in."
Afterburner helps him up and smiles at him knowing how badly he wanted to go on the mission. She examines the area seeing if anyone was spying on them, either no one was or they weren't making it obvious, and if she knows her commander he was. The brunette hurries off into the shadows to plan her next move.
Not far away Medic sits perched up in a tree watching as G.I. passes under her, wanting to make a comment about his tight t-shirt. She sees Afterburner following him then she vanishes around the building. Medic carefully moves from her perch gripping the branch and slowly lowers herself down to the ground. From behind an arm reaches around her neck putting her into a chock hold.
"Clever hiding in a tree, but you should have waited a bit longer to make sure I didn't double back." Afterburner whispers.
"Dammit, I thought you were following Brady."
"I was, I'm hoping he leads me to Lt. Storm."
"I haven't seen him since we started this game."
"Son of a…" Afterburner releases Medic.
"You're dead, go back to base." She whispers sneaking off once again. Carefully she makes her way back to the spot where they first started the game, near their end of the base.
"About time." A voice whispers.
"Come on out, I've figured out where you are hiding."
"No you haven't."
Afterburner spins around keeping aware of her surroundings. "You've been hiding here from the start."
"I still don't think you've quite grasped where I am."
"Keep talking and I will…" She looks up at the corner of the base where a security camera sits. "Clever." The pilot grabs the camera pointing it upwards and slips into the base. She makes her way to the command room only finding Snow Squall.
"You already found me."
"Where did he go, he was in here wasn't he?"
She grunts knowing he won't tell her and thing and heads back outside.
Afterburner jumps and screams as she is taken down to the ground by Lt. Storm. "Damn."
"You're good."
"But you're better." She smiles looking into his eyes.
Storm smiles back helping her back up.
"So I guess this means you are it."
"Yep, and only one left to find." He pulls off his shirt and hands it to Afterburner who pulls it on over her head and tosses her long brown hair into the air shaking her head about. "I better go find G.I…"
"Lt. Storm, report back to the command room."
He sighs. "Another time I guess."
"So you were in there, oh my god you were using the base cameras to watch us all. That's cheating."
Storm laughs heading back inside. "No one said we couldn't." He says with a smirk. "I used everything we had to my advantage."
"I want a rematch." Afterburner says chasing after him.